I Won't Back Down

I Won't Back Down

It’s the age of the customer and customer acquisition is at the top of mind for many businesses. Most budgets and technologies are being used to expand their reach and capture new visitors. However, many businesses fail to put as much focus on retaining their customers and building a loyal following.

Customer retention and loyalty programs are important for developing a true customer-focused business. They are able to bring increased sales, brand awareness and a sense of security during tough times. In fact, Gartner reports that 20% of a business’ existing customers generate 80 percent of its profits.

So, don’t back down. What are you going to do to bolster and retain your customers? We have a few suggestions for you…

Let's Talk About the "B" Word

Let's Talk About the "B" Word

The "B" word... It is misunderstood, misused and often misaligned. It is much more than we give it credit. It's time we figure you out.

In the B2B marketplace, times are changing. Long-held beliefs are giving way to new opportunities prompting the need to explore new ideas for transforming businesses into purpose-driven, customer-focused entities.

And We're Back...

And We're Back...

Sorry for the hiatus and silent treatment, but it’s for exciting reasons!

The Best Website Builders for Start-ups & Small Businesses

The Best Website Builders for Start-ups & Small Businesses

Starting a new business is an exciting time; you have a lot of ideas and you're ready to put them into action. However, getting the "word" out there can be challenging while juggling operations and managing the budget. 

A website is one of the most important channels a start-up or small business can build to give it the best chance of business success. Having a website that positively expresses your brand and makes a good first impression on visitors gives you a platform to communicate a consistent message throughout your marketing efforts.

We've compiled a list of the 3 most popular website builders to help you create, manage and marketing your business's digital footprint. 

Struggling to Differentiate?


Struggling to Differentiate?

As barriers to entry are removed and a market matures, suppliers often find themselves ‘one of the pack’ with little product differentiation and eroding profit margins. Buyers also find it hard to justify paying a premium for identical products of the same quality and perceived value. As suppliers are under more pressure to reduce prices, it’s essential to discover new engines of growth.
