Privacy policy

Our website uses on-line forms for visitors to transmit their contact information in order to request information, communication and/or services. No other methods of visitor identification are employed. Contact information we collect is used to send requested information about our organization to visitors of our site, or to otherwise communicate with those visitors. Information collected from visitors/clients will not be sold or shared with any third party without express written authorization. Visitors who receive distributed email messages from us will have the opportunity, within each message, to opt-out of receiving communication from us. 

Use of Cookes

25|25 Marketing may employ cookies, small bits of data that are stored on your computer or other accessing device, to enhance site performance, to prevent unauthorized access or other malicious activities or to understand user preferences. No identifying visitor data is accumulated by such cookies, and any cookies placed on your computer by 25|25 via our websites are removed form your computer or accessing device upon your exit from the site.