It’s time for a change!

  • How do you measure the effectiveness of the Marketing contribution?

  • Are you sick of last-minute requests without a strategy?

  • Is your marketing predominantly mass communications?

  • Do you have alignment between your Sales and Marketing teams?

Modern day oil and gas is rapidly evolving, and digitalization is bringing about innovation across the industry. E&P Operators are facing brand new challenges that are causing workforce and operational disruptions along with a faster-paced business environment. It’s harder to find and motivate your target audience when the relationships and budgets you’ve relied on in the past are evaporating.

So why do we continue to rely on traditional communications and interruption marketing amidst all of this change? Shouldn’t our marketing evolve too?

Join the conversation during the Agents of Change Forum on September 26 from 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

By attending, you'll hear from industry peers who are embracing strategy and technology to re-invigorate their organization’s Marketing so it is aligned to business objectives. Panelists will discuss and provide ideas on:

  • How to initiate conversations to guide your organization away from pure tactics and into a strategic marketing mindset.

  • How to align your Marketing and Sales effort so you collectively understand the funnel and ROI of your marketing programs.

  • Tips, tricks and best practices for utilizing digital channels and technology to better connect with your audience.

  • What’s working, what’s not working and how to create a business case for changing the role of Marketing.


Thursday, September 26, 2019

2:30 - 7:30 PM


Ronin 2 Art House

1315 Sterrett St.

Houston, TX 77002