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Marketing Goals

The Best Website Builders for Start-ups & Small Businesses

The Best Website Builders for Start-ups & Small Businesses

Starting a new business is an exciting time; you have a lot of ideas and you're ready to put them into action. However, getting the "word" out there can be challenging while juggling operations and managing the budget. 

A website is one of the most important channels a start-up or small business can build to give it the best chance of business success. Having a website that positively expresses your brand and makes a good first impression on visitors gives you a platform to communicate a consistent message throughout your marketing efforts.

We've compiled a list of the 3 most popular website builders to help you create, manage and marketing your business's digital footprint. 

March Technology Review

March Technology Review

This month's MarTech Review provides an overview of Allocadia's Marketing Performance Management (MPM) software. CMO's and CFO's will have a love-fest with this intuitive budget, expense and ROI management tool that provides transparency for the entire organization to understand how Marketing is supporting business objectives.

Journey in Action: Marketing ROI Dashboard

Journey in Action: Marketing ROI Dashboard

As a company interested in understanding the Return on Investment of marketing dollars, where do you begin? At the business goal and then define the programs, campaigns, tactics and resources required to accomplish the task.

Buzzwords You Should Know

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Buzzwords You Should Know

In a recent blog post by one of my partners, Blake Eckert, related to the 2018 marketing trends to watch, he mentioned content marketing is still among the top 3 priorities cited by B2B organizations. Did you know that 45% of marketing budgets are spent on content? Not advertising, not tradeshows. But rather generating valuable content for their target audiences. To put this in perspective, that represents several billion dollars in annual spend.

Traditional B2B marketing has focused heavily on corporate communications and product marketing. So many organizations are still trying to understand what it means to focus on content marketing.

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B2B Marketing Trends to Consider in 2018

B2B Marketing Trends to Consider in 2018

Welcome to 2018! Learn about some of the major innovations and trends in store for B2B marketers this year. Some trends we can expect are in their infancy, while other are brooding and reaching maturity, but one thing is for sure, they each have implications to how we will create, strategize, and implement our marketing initiatives in 2018 and beyond.