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Marketing Strategy

Be the Superhero of Your Sales Funnel

Be the Superhero of Your Sales Funnel

Sales funnels need our help! They are working hard to keep our customer relationships strong, to improve conversions and deliver revenue, but they can't do it alone.

As businesses grow and sales cycles become more complex, it's important cross-functional teams actively work together to help achieve mutual long-term goals. Collaborative companies stress the benefit of teamwork for support. Why not collaboratively support our sales funnel? When sales, product management and marketing work together massive benefits are created that fuel sales growth by unifying goals and giving rise to a customer-centric organization. 

Journey in Action: Marketing ROI Dashboard

Journey in Action: Marketing ROI Dashboard

As a company interested in understanding the Return on Investment of marketing dollars, where do you begin? At the business goal and then define the programs, campaigns, tactics and resources required to accomplish the task.

Business Plan Mayhem Simplified

Business Plan Mayhem Simplified

This Month’s Featured App - Problemio’s Business Plan

For entrepreneurs and startups, we’ve found a nifty app that provides guidance and instructional support for building a business plan. The app is free, simple to use, and offers a step-by-step approach for creating the components of a business plan. Check out the details on our blog.


The 3 W's of Gated Content

The 3 W's of Gated Content

The 3 W’s of Gated Content

To gate or not to gate that is the question. There’s a time and a place for gated content, and knowing when and where can be challenging.

Take a step back and look at your customer’s buying journey. Placing high-quality content in the palm of their hands is not about if your content should be gated but more about your end goal for the piece. Gated content can be a vital asset to nurturing a customer. Knowing the ins and outs of it gives you a more holistic view for deploying an optimized content marketing strategy tailored to your audience.